Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Haida Gwaii

I some how managed to wrangle a work trip up to Haida Gwaii by helping out with some land-use planning and watershed issues. I managed to squeeze in some adventures and some visits with Adventurebraids.

Sleeping Beauty Mountain from the Skidegate ferry

Kagan Bay

Looking out to Skidegate Channel and Moresby Island en route to Sleeping Beaty Mountain

The weather got a little snotty up top. I was amazed at the alpine vegetation, which seemed to be very similar to salt marsh grass. Even the mountains in Haida Gwaii feel like you are by the ocean!

Woollen Knickers

Looking back down to Queen Charlotte City. Still a long hike to go!

Tlell River


  1. Yahoo! I LOVE Woollen Knickers! Such a great blog - beautiful layout, beautiful photos and great adventures. I'm so excited to get WK updates now. I'm putting a link from my blog.


  2. And the name Woollen Knickers rocks too. It's perfect.
