Sunday, April 26, 2009

In the backyard

The weather the past bit has been great. We have been spending some time in the backyard trying to get things ready for the summer.

Cherry blossoms ready to burst

Leif watering the plants

I started digging up the back garden bed. I thought it would be good to deal with our compost for a bit, so I pulled it out of the bins and let the compost dry on a tarp in the sun. I startled a large rat in one of the bins, and a couple of our cats gave pursuit. The smell of the compost was pretty pungent (we need to add more plant matter to balance out the food scraps). Part way during the day I noticed a bird-of-prey near the house, and then realized that the smell of the compost had attracted a whole flock of vultures, circling in the sky above our house.

The first salad of the season. I found a few left-over potatoes from last years crop still hiding in the dirt when I dug the bed up. Added in some kale, leek, and some shoots off a cabbage that were a lot like broccoli heads...yummm

1 comment:

  1. SO great that you have finally escaped the evil clutches of FACEBOOK and started blogging.. Hurrah!! Now I can enjoy your lovely pics.I am impressed with your spring salad~yumyum!!
