Leif was still pretty stoked on the trains, and wanted to see a "big" train, so I went with the kids to the Kettle Valley Railway out in Summerland. It was pretty neat bit of history. I have been wanting to bike the old railway for a while now. An old steam train runs a small distance of the line, and it is a nice piece of history. They do the ambience up pretty well, including a old-timer playing banjo as the train rolls along.
My last day there we headed out for a hike up Stemwinder Mountain near Hedley. This featured me getting some-what lost (well at least I couldn't find the proper start to the trail). I bumped into a ranch-hand who was up there, and asked for directions to the trail, and he gave me the exact directions to where I was standing talking to him. Funny.
Regardless the trip was a great ecology session with the kids. We got to explore all sorts of plants and the wild strawberries were in season. We were listening to a bird identification CD on the way up, and then we heard a bunch of the birds once we got up there (Red-tailed hawk, Hermit thrush, Swainson's thrush). We also saw a bunch of cattle, and there was a huge colony of ground squirrels. We also played a good game of "Who's poo is this?" which featured fur-filled scat from a coyote (eating the ground squirrels) and after poking around in some pellets Nemiah figured out they belonged to deer. Folks thought it silly I played this game with the kids. Am I the only parent who pokes around poo with their kids?
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